Have you ever seen a stand-out student, athlete, speaker, business leader, or musician "in the zone" expressing brilliant human potential? They appear to be firing on all cylinders and commanding their bodies. When frustrations or challenges come their way, they rely on their natural resilience, meet the road of life head-on, and build even more confidence. Where does this strength come from, and does it fade with age? Let's see.

Before 1948, most people accepted that the brain's structure, function, and connections stopped changing for the better by age 20-25.
However, after Dr. Jerzy Konorski, the founder of the Polish School of Brain Physiology, provided proof otherwise, his coined term, neuroplasticity, steered brain scientists in a new direction. His research findings complement the work of Dr. Donald Hebb, a Canadian psychologist, who coined the phrase - "neurons that fire together, wire together."
Here's the catch. While exercise, meditation, learning a new skill, playing an instrument, traveling, using your non-dominant hand, and dancing contribute to neuroplasticity, current research shows that training with repetition, consistency, and the ability to keep a rhythmic beat is required to harness this powerful ability of the brain entirely.
Dr. Jerzy Konorski and Dr. Donald Hebb understood the power behind activating brain cells with like stimuli to intentionally grow more robust brain pathways, which is the heart of Interactive Metronome brain training programs used by students, athletes, musicians, business leaders, senior citizens, and people with ADHD and dyslexia.
Neuroplasticity - The Brain's Structure + Function + Timing Explained.
Structurally, the brain consists primarily of gray matter and white matter. Gray matter is responsible for mental activity, memory, emotions, and movement. The 86 billion individual brain cells that make the gray matter organize into groups called functional brain networks.
Information from the brain networks, both hemispheres and all critical areas, is transmitted by the white matter tracts, the communication highways of the brain.
Brain function requires the multiple gray matter networks to work in concert and the white matter tracts to coordinate and communicate signals. These functions are known as timing and synchronization.
Timing is the oscillation rate or rhythmic repeating signal of brain cells and networks. A faster oscillation rate enables one to perform better mentally and physically.
Synchronization is the speed and efficiency of the white matter tract highways connecting vital brain areas. Peak brain performance requires fast timing and synchronization.
Fortunately, the brain can improve timing and synchronization. With training, the brain can become faster, sharper, and more efficient, reaching its highest potential, just as the body can through exercise.
Interactive Metronome Training Overview

Interactive Metronome (IM) is an evidence-based computer brain training program that 'trains the brain' to plan, sequence, and process information more efficiently. Customized IM training improves brain signal timing, synchronization, speed of signal transmission, brain and body coordination, and neuroplasticity of pathways.

The training uses rhythm, repetition, movement, video-type games, and cognitive activities. IM is adaptive, engaging, active, and fun. Participants use motion-sensing triggers, either hand or floor, to match a computer tone of 54 beats per minute. The goal is to keep a steady beat with hands, feet, or both and match the tone.
The computer gives immediate feedback on timing accuracy; a low millisecond score indicates improved timing and overall performance. For each session, repetitions increase, and physical and cognitive challenges get added to one's capabilities.
IM Sessions - Customized to Unique Challenges, Abilities, and Goals.
Sessions begin and end with a tool to focus, manage stress, self-regulate, and take-home brain training exercises. Participants are scheduled 2-3 a week (total of 20 sessions) for consistency and maximum and sustained benefit. Benefits vary among individuals based on fundamental abilities. Every individual is different in their capabilities and timing habits.
Learn more about Brain Training and Read Participant Reviews.
Sunnie Mortimer (908) 310-8070
Canolty, R.T. Ganguly, K., Kennerley, S. W., Cadieu, C. F., Koepsell, K., Wallis, J. D., & Carmena, J. M.. (2010) Oscillatory phase coupling coordinates anatomically dispersed functional cell assemblies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(40), 17356–17361. doi:10.1073/pnas.1008306107.
Shaffer, R. J., Jacokes, L. E., Cassily, J. F., Greenspan, S. I., Tuchman, R. F., & Stemmer, P. J. (2001). Effect of interactive metronome training on children with ADHD. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55(2), 155–162. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.55.2.155